Advanced Vulnerability Scanning
Cyber criminals are likley probing your systems this very moment; Make sure you find the weakness before they do!
We will conduct full vulnerability scanning using professional tools, driven by experienced penetration testers.
Findings will be manually reviewed and validated. You will recieve a comprehensive vulnerability report for the agreed scope.
Risk Assessment
Our Rapid Risk Assessment Model…
With many years experience conducting risk assessments, we have developed a unique ‘rapid risk assessment’ methodology and framework.
Meeting with key organisational team members, our 1-2 day assessment will output a complete report detailing your key information security risks across all functions.
Security Reconnaissance
The first and most critical step that any adversary will take prior to attacking your valuable assets.
Understanding what information may be visible to prying eyes can be essential to protecting your business.
Reinforce Services can conduct an in-depth analysis of your organization – just as an attacker would.
You will receive a complete report of all findings, recommendations and immediate notification should anything sensitive be located.
Data Protation Impact Assessment (DPIA)
Tried, tested and compliant…
In many cases the GDPR requires organisations to undertake a data protection impact assessment for a given processing activity.
Having completed a great many such assessments, we can help ensure an independent, fair and balanced assessment and help solve some of the common (and not so common) challenges experienced.
Azure Cloud Security Review
With great power comes great responsibility…
As is the case with many cloud platforms, complexity breeds security weaknesses.
We will conduct an exhaustive review of your architecture and configuration to ensure that industry standards are applied and that no weakness are lurking to expose your organisation.
Office 365 Security Assessment
Don’t let Office 365’s ever changing features be your downfall…
Office 365 includes a wealth of security controls – some are included free of charge, others are valuable paid for modules – but almost all need to be configured, enabled and monitored to provide security.
We will review your Office 365 tenancy for security best practice and enhancement opportunities – from email spam filtering to industry leading endpoint security, threat detection and automated response.
AWS Cloud Security Review
AWS is amazing… but it’s also far too easy to get things wrong
Our Amazon AWS Certified Solution Architect (Associate) operates a unique security framework that leaves no stone unturned.
We will cast our eyes over your architecture and configuration to ensure best practice and secure configuration.
Web Application Penetration Testing
The top attack vector of the internet!
Do you develop or host web applications? If so, you need to be taking their security very seriously.
Regular penetration testing exercises are the best way to verify the security of your applications.
Incident Response
Observe – Orient – Decide – Act; Military strategy, applied to incident response…
Reinforce Services can be parachuted into any environment to provide the support and expertise needed to properly identify, contain, and remediate any cyber security incident.
We operate a highly regarded incident response and recovery framework which will ensure that you know all the details – what happened, how, what damaged was done, a full timeline of events, and what needs to happen next.
Perhaps most importantly, we are well versed at stepping into a crisis situation and establishing a calm, collected and efficient coordinated response from the outset.
Device Configuration Review
Firewalls, Routers, Switches – it’s all fair game for attackers.
We will conduct a detailed assessment of a given device configuration and conduct supporting checks and tests to verify best practice and secure deployment.
Testing can include ingress/egress filtering validation and network segmentation testing.
Incident Response Training
Incident Response is arguably the most important aspect of any security programme.
We will upskill your own team to respond safely and effectively.
Our experienced trainer has delivered many highly rated workshops for IT and security teams.
Our 1 day or 2 day workshops can include full incident simulations and technical forensics labs.
GDPR Data Mapping
Your Article 30 ‘Records of Processing’ are the first thing any supervisory authority will ask to see in the event of an audit.
We will assist with fully documenting your data protection processing activities and work flows to prepare for compliance.
GDPR Training
Practically all businesses have a legal duty to ensure that employees are aware of the principles, requirements and expectations of data protection.
We have delivered many workshops, for multiple organisations, and we can make sure your team are able to handle personal information safely and in compliance with data protection law.
GDPR Consultancy and Guidance
Data protection legislation can be a minefield, and is often misinterpreted. We can provide the answers to your questions.
With several years of real-world experience, our certified data protection practitioner can make sure your business remains enabled, whilst maintaining compliance and security.
GDPR Gap Analysis
Privacy and data protection is more important than ever – for individuals and organisations alike.
The regulations are a legal requirement, and the supervisory authorities are not to be taken lightly – we can conduct a gap-analysis to help you make sure you don’t get caught short.
GDPR Implementation
Not all organisations have the skills in-house to implement an effective and compliant privacy programme – we can help.
Having deployment numerous implementations, we can warn you of the pitfalls, I help prioritise the critical components and big wins.
Password Cracking and Recovery
External Penetration Testing
How secure is your internet attack surface?
Exactly simulating a real-world attack scenario – regular and independent testing exercises stand above all as the most accurate indication of your security stance.
Computer Forensics
Locard’s principle states that the perpetrator of a crime will bring something to the scene and leave with something from it, and that both can be used as evidence…
Sometimes technical forensics is the only way to prove (or disprove) activities and/or to fully understand the extent of an event.
The information that remains hidden within the depths of any computer is difficult to fathom – we can extract this data and reveal the facts.
Internal Penetration Testing
Is internal security your Achilles heel?
Security is all too often focused on external perimeter defenses- leaving internal systems by the wayside.
Internal penetration testing focuses on the insider threat, and testing of security controls within the internal network.
Auditing and Reporting
Social Engineering and Phishing
Social engineering; exploiting the human…
Personnel remain the weak point for many organizations; Reinforce Services provide tailor made social engineering and phishing engagements to accurately measure your ability to detect, avoid and respond to social engineering and phishing attacks.
Disaster Recovery
Business Continuity
PCI-DSS Compliance
ISO27001 Implementation
Security Research
Policy Authoring
Project Management
Compliance Gap Analysis
Technical Consultancy
Physical Penetration Testing
It’s not all networks and servers…
Physical security controls protect direct access to your most valuable assets – are your defenses up to scratch?
Reinforce Services can engage in specifically designed and pre-agreed testing exercises to verify your physical security measures.
CCTV Surveillance
Wireless Penetration Testing
Can we access your wireless network?
For most organizations, there is no escaping the use of wireless technology – Don’t let this leave your network vulnerable to intrusion!
With various methods available to would-be attackers for most common security controls, locking down your network isn’t always easy.
Awareness Training
Introducing ‘The Human Firewall’…
The biggest threat to security probably sits trusted within your organisation – hackers prey on humans’ psychological flaws, targeting them as the “weakest link” in the cyber kill-chain.
Reinforce Services can make sure your workforce are able to identify common hacker attacks, and that they know how to respond when the time comes (and it will!)
Red Team Exercises
Laser targetted attack simulation!
Here we pull out all the stops – simulating an advanced persistent threat actor, we leverage all the methods at our disposal to demonstrate the compromise of your organisation.
Hold on tight – your defenders will need their big-boy pants on for this one!
Breach Detection
The majority of hackers spend months within the network before being detected…
Do you suspect a security incident? Have you been breached? Either way, we can help!
What is happening in your environment right now? Many (perhaps most!) organisations lack even a fundamental insight of security relevant activities across their IT estates.
Noteworthy events are taking place many times every day… are they part of something more serious? You can’t fix what you don’t know about – and it might be getting worse!
Within moments, Reinforce Services can begin to reveal critical insights for security events throughout your business. Let us help get confidence and trust back into your security.